Aperol spritz during pregnancy

Is it safe to drink Aperol Spritz during pregnancy? No, unfortunately.
Aperol spritz, the orange and tasty Italian cocktail contains alcohole and that's the reason it's not recomended to drink as long as you are pregnant.
But we heard that the same company of Aperol also offers non alcoholic drink named Cordino that might be a good option when you have Aperol spritz craving. You can see a discussion about it here.
* The content is based on medical / pregnancy websites & forums found on the web. You're invited to read the full recommandation in their link under "read more".

What to do when you crave
Aperol spritz during pregnancy
Virgin cocktails or mocktails are the solution for you in the upcoming months, and it can be fun! You won't get drunk since it's not contains alcohol - but you'll get the feeling of having fun with friends. It's also worth something, right?